Monthly Archives: August 2014

See the student film than anti-vaxxers tried to suppress.

Anti-vaccination scumbags Activists are well known for using thuggery to silence people who speak about medical issues. Known tactics of the anti-vaccination movement include Harassment, Vilification, Death Threats, False DMCA takedown, Vexatious Lawsuits, Harassing their critics employers and/or clients and Denial of Service Attacks against their critics websites. Having been on the receiving end of these tactics myself nothing the Anti-vaxxers do comes as a surprise, but it’s still worth highlighting these abuses when they happen.

So when a group of highschool students in California decided to make a documentary on immunisation they inevitably found themselves on the receiving of a hate fuelled campaign by Anti-vaxxers.

They read studies. They talked to medical experts who praised vaccines. And they interviewed parents who distrusted vaccines, as well as a local osteopath who treats autistic children.

Some of the students initially believed vaccines and autism were linked, they said, but changed their minds as they researched.

A blogger who saw the article contended that the movie, still a work in progress, was sure to be “propaganda.” That led to a flurry of frightening phone calls and Internet comments directed at CHSTV, Posard said.

Posard said she hadn’t realized that vaccines were such a controversial subject. She and CHSTV teacher Douglas Green wanted to shut down production, she added. But the students, angered by what they saw as bullying, insisted on completing the film. LA Times

The film Invisible Threat is now available for public viewing here. Perhaps the attempt to bully these students into silence will result in an increased number of viewers.