Author Archives: Dan Buzzard

Child abuse advocacy book pulled from shelves.

A “children’s book” intended to teach children to embrace deadly disease is being removed from sale.

AUSTRALIA’S largest online bookstore will no longer sell a book that promotes the “marvellous” benefits of measles. Measles is one of the top killers of children, but is easily preventable through vaccination, so deaths in Australia are rare. revealed this week that Bookworld was distributing Melanie’s Marvellous Measles, which falsely describes the deadly disease as something that will make children stronger. AUSTRALIA’S largest online bookstore will no longer sell a book that promotes the “marvellous” benefits of measles.Measles is one of the top killers of children, but is easily preventable through vaccination, so deaths in Australia are revealed this week that Bookworld was distributing Melanie’s Marvellous Measles, which falsely describes the deadly disease as something that will make children stronger.
The book is written by Stephanie Messenger a disease advocate who want children to be exposed to diseases that will kill them. I first mentioned her book briefly about a year ago, but now it looks like she is finally getting dragged into the public spotlight. I expect many members of the public will be shocked to learn that child abuse advocates like Messenger exist.
The anti-vaccination book, ‘Melanie’s Marvellous Measles,’ penned by Queensland health activist Stephanie Messenger, tells how the young girl catches measles. Melanie expresses concern to her mum that her friend Tina might also contract the potentially-fatal disease.
But her mother replies by saying ‘wise people think measles help strengthen the body, and makes it more mature’. Tina’s mum recommends melon and carrot juice will help make Melanie feel better. She also tells Tina it would be a ‘great idea’ if she caught measles from her friend. The Australian Medical Association warns that measles can still kill, and carrot juice won’t save you. “About one in 10,000 children will die because of encephalitis,” AMA President Steve Hambleton toldNews Limited. Yahoo 7 News
Deliberately exposing children to measles is an especially cruel form of child abuse. Anyone caught following Stephanie Messenger’s advice should be reported to Child Protection.

Sport is a better culprit for violence than video games.

So it didn’t take long after the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings for the politicians to start blaming “Violent Video Games”. In the United States the blame game is in full swing:

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) has taken Congress’ first step in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre toward possibly regulating access to violent videogames.

Calls for gun control immediately followed the elementary-school shooting Friday, so it was only a matter of time before violent videogames became another target.

Rockefeller is proposing that the National Academy of Sciences study the relationship between real-world violence and virtual-world violence in videogames. Reading between the lines, the idea is to perhaps acquire conclusive fodder, if there is any, from this prestigious group of scientists that there is an association between the two. Wired, Threat Level

Assholes like Rockefeller have been trying to pin the blame on video games for years. Because it’s a lot easier to demonise video games than it is to tackle the real problems of a society where school shooting have almost become a routine. 

If we’re going to look for something to blame then why not blame sports? It would make much more sense to blame the violence in society on competitive sports, after all sporting events, particularly team sports foster an “Us Vs Them” style of mentality amongst their supporters who even wear the colours and fly the banner of their favourite team.

Throughout the Middle Ages banner men flew the flags and coat of arms of the lords and kings to whom they owed their allegiance. The tradition of flying banners and flags can be seen throughout most of human history and modern day sport, or warfare is no exception.

In Australia sports spectators are quite passive, but in Britain and North America there have been numerous incidents of violence breaking out amongst supporters of opposing teams, including large scale riots. But no one seems to be willing to blame competitive sports for outbreaks of violence. Instead they choose video games as their preferred scapegoat despite the fact the violence and aggression is better linked to sport than it is to video games. Has there ever been a riot resulting from a round of Halo or Counter Strike? None that I know of.

Should we blame sports for the Sandy Hook School shooting?

No, that would be just as absurd as trying to blame video games. But if scumbag politicians want something to blame, then I think team sports are a much more likely culprit than any video game. 

Australian Vaccination Network ordered to change its name.

Australia’s most dangerous charity is soon to lose its deceptively misleading name. The New South Wales department of Fair Trading has made an order that the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) change its name by the 21st of February 2013.

Minister for Fair Trading Anthony Roberts today confirmed a formal order has been issued to the Australian Vaccination Network to change its name on the grounds it is misleading the public.

Mr Roberts said Section 11 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 provides the Commissioner for Fair Trading may direct an association to adopt a new name, where the name of the association is unacceptable.

“NSW Fair Trading has received complaints that the Australian Vaccination Network’s name is confusing and has misled the public as to its operational intention,” Mr Roberts said.

“The Commissioner for Fair Trading, Rod Stowe, has therefore written to the Australian Vaccination Network, directing the association to change its name.”

The Australian Vaccination Network is required to lodge an application for registration of a new name by 21 February, 2013. NSW Fair Trading

You can read the letter that was hand delivered to the home of Meryl Dorey the president of the organisation at this link.

Letter from Fair Trading to Ms Dorey.

We know that Ms Dorey has opted to ignore government authorities in the past. However this recent direction from fair trading is an order, not a request. If the AVN choose to ignore Fair Trading they can be deregistered and have all their assets seized.

This is certainly an early Christmass present.

Baseless accusations against Ken McLeod.

For some time now Ken McLeod has been the target of numerous attacks from the anti-vaccination movement. Most notably the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN). These attacks started in 2010 when Ken submitted a complaint to the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC). The HCCC responded:

The Commission has determined that the health education service provided by the Australian Vaccination Network on its website provides misleading and inaccurate information on the subject of vaccination. In view of this, the Commission has made the following recommendation to the Australian Vaccination Network, pursuant to section 42(1)(b) of the Health Care Complaints Act, 1993 (the Act):


The Australian Vaccination Network should include an appropriate statement in a prominent position on its website which states:

The AVN’s purpose is to provide information against vaccination, in order to balance what it believes is the substantial amount of pro-vaccination information available elsewhere.

The information provided by the AVN should not be read as medical advice.

The decision about whether or not to vaccinate should be made in consultation with a health care provider.

Health Care Complaints Commission

Of course the president of the AVN (Yes, her.) decided it would be wise to simply ignore the HCCC and pretend it never happened. This resulted in the HCCC issuing the now familiar public warning against the AVN as can be seen here. An ordinary person having been busted by health regulators would probably stop and realise that they have gone too far.

However the Australian Vaccination Network is an organisation that takes offence to accountability and so it has to be someone else’s fault but theirs. So while a reasonable person might accept responsibility for their actions the AVN and its president have decided that Ken McLeod is to blame for all their misfortunes.

The AVN has been making outrageously false accusations against Ken for nearly three years. So he recently sent a few emails out explaining the allegations being made against him and asking that they be substantiated:

Dear AVN supporter.

My apologies for contacting you directly, but I have been banned from commenting on the AVN Facebook page and on the Yahoo forum, so I have no other way of bringing this matter to your attention.

On several occasions Ms Dorey has published statements on the AVN Facebook page and on other webpages claiming that she has asked me to stop contacting her, that she has written to my ISP, and that I continue to contact her in a most aggressive and intrusive manner. She accuses me of threatening, stalking and harassing her and her family. All of her allegations are untrue and baseless.

According to my records:

– Ms Dorey has never asked me to stop contacting her. Her last correspondence to me was when I was compiling my first complaint to the HCCC in July 2009, and in that she said she would not respond to any more of my emails.

– I sent her emails in 2011 asking about her Walls St stockbroker experience and on 4 November 2012 querying her statements on tetanus.

– I sent her two formal letters in 2010, one registered mail, asking her asking her to substantiate or withdraw. She never responded so I got my solicitor to write to her.

– I sent the drafts of “Meryl Dorey’s Trouble With The Truth – Parts 1-3” to Ms Dorey for comment and correction, but she never responded.

– My ISPs have never contacted me about any complaints.

Asking Ms Dorey to substantiate her claims can not itself be regarded as “threatening”, “harassment”, or “aggression.” My correspondence with her has always been formal and polite, and she is welcome to place it all on the web so that people can assess her claims. It seems odd to me that the President and Public Officer of a Health Service Provider should insist that she not be sent correspondence asking her to substantiate her claims when they appear to be wrong. I regard it as a simple courtesy that I provide her with the draft of documents in which she is criticised before publication so that she may request that I correct any errors or omissions. She has never asked me to correct any drafts.

On several occasions I have publicly invited Ms Dorey to substantiate her statements about my alleged behavior, and she has failed to do so. On several occasions, those invitations were posted by others on the AVN Facebook page, but were removed by the AVN Facebook admins. The obvious conclusion is that she cannot provide any substantiation, and that she lied.

I invite you to ask her to substantiate her allegations. After all, you are the one she is lying to.


Ken McLeod

As you can see Ken’s email is politely asking people to question the accusations being made towards him. However the president of the AVN has taken offence to this and is now accusing Ken of harassment for simply requesting that people ask her to substantiate her claims.

Several days ago, an unknown number of Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) members and supporters received an unsolicited and unwanted email from Mr Ken McLeod of the hate group, Stop the AVN (SAVN). Mr McLeod has had a long association with the Australian ‘Skeptics’ (parent hate-group to SAVN) and has waged an almost 4-year long campaign against both the AVN and myself.

Back in 2010, I asked Mr McLeod to stop emailing me (something he continues to do on a regular basis) and even wrote to his internet service provider (ISP) to ask them to please make him stop this illegal behaviour. It is my belief that his constant, nearly daily mentions of myself in a derogatory manner, his lies told about me (which were never corrected, even after he was shown to be incorrect) and his unwanted email contacts constitute serious harassment and stalking. Now, he has taken his activities up a notch and started the same sorts of activities with others. 

If you have received one of these messages from Mr McLeod and are upset about being contacted by someone who you do not know and who does not have permission to contact you (non-commercial SPAM), then please consider writing to his ISP – perhaps they will respond if several people write whereas they did not respond to me.

Meryl Dorey, AVN

Nothing in Kens email can possibly be regarded as either harassment, or stalking. Just read it for yourself and ask why anyone would possibly be upset by this. I think we know the answer.

Equally controversial is asking anything about magazine subscriptions. On Friday I noticed the following posted on the AVNs Facebook wall.

It was gone an hour later.

Burzynski clinic told to stop promoting unproven drug.

The Burzynski Clinic in Texas which sells false hope to the sick and desperate has recently been told by the FDA to stop misleading the public. Dr Burzynski’s Antineoplastons “treatment” is being marketed by his clinic despite not having the approval to do so within the United States.

Promotion of an investigational new drug is prohibited underFDA regulations at 21 CFR 312.7(a), which states, “A sponsor or investigator, or any person acting on behalf of a sponsor or investigator, shall not represent in a promotional context that an investigational new drug is safe or effective for the purposes for which it is under investigation or otherwise promote the drug. This provision is not intended to restrict the full exchange of scientific information concerning the drug, including dissemination of scientific findings in scientific or lay media. Rather, its intent isto restrict promotional claims of safety or effectiveness of the drug for a use for which it is under investigation and to preclude commercialization of the drug before it is approved for commercial distribution.”


OPDP requests that you immediately cease the dissemination of violative promotional materials for Antineoplastons such as those described above. Please submit a written response to this letter on or before November 1, 2012, stating whether you intend to comply with this request, and explaining your plan for discontinuing use of such violative materials.

Office of Prescription Drug Promotion, United States Food and Drug Administration.

Despite all the marketing promotions on the Burzynski Clinic website Antineoplastons have never been proven to be efficacious. The FDA is allowing the Burzynski Clinic to experiment with the drug to produce evidence that it works. So far no conclusive evidence has been found to support Antineoplastons but that won’t stop a crook like Burzynski from charging people for his “treatment”.

New Zealand anti-vaxxers lose charity license.

Some good news out of New Zealand arrived today. The Immunisation Awareness Society, an anti-vaccination group has just lost its charity status.

The Charities Registration Board (the Board) has determined that the Immunisation Awareness Society Incorporated (the Society) is not qualified for registration as a charitable entity and that it is in the public interest that it be removed from the Charities Register. While the stated purposes of the Society are to advance education, the Board considers that its main purpose is to promote a point of view. The courts have held that promotion of a point of view lies outside the legal definition of a charitable purpose to advance education. Charities Registration Board, New Zealand

I completely agree with this decision. There is a difference between education and opinion, the main one being that in order to educate the public you must first speak the truth. Lying to the public about made up dangers (i.e the debunked Vaccines Autism claim) isn’t education and certainly isn’t a charitable purpose. It good to see that New Zealand health authorities are looking out for the public interest.

I wish our own authorities in Australia, especially New South Wales would take a more hard line stance against questionable organisations that act against public health. I have a good feeling that recent developments in the Australian state of New South Wales will soon see health authorities coming down hard on certain organisations with regard to activities that endanger the public, or breach regulations.

Anti-vaxxer suggests violence as a means of dealing with critics.

Normally I wouldn’t give a creature like Tim Bolen any recognition, a paranoid crank with little audience. However it would be socially irresponsible for me to ignore this.

Yesterday I was alerted to one of Tim Bolen’s articles that were posted to a mailing list of the Australian Vaccination Network by none other than the president of the AVN, Meryl Dorey. While she didn’t write the article herself the fact that she chose to share it by distributing it to the mailing list suggests that she has no problem with its content. We also know that Tim Bolen enjoys privileges through his association with Ms Dorey, demonstrated by the fact that he was provided with full copies of her court submissions before even the courts were able to view them.

Despite the date Ms Dorey didn’t file her submission until the 15th, and I didn’t receive it until the 19th. Yet, this copy was available on Tim Bolen’s website.

In his latest article Bolen talks about Daniel Rafaelle and repeats the allegation that several threatening phone-calls were made to Ms Dorey by Mr Rafaelle. However there is little reason to believe this allegation to be true. It’s my understanding that the police investigated and found insufficient evidence to support any accusation against Mr Rafaelle.

But that doesn’t stop Tim Bolen from repeating the accusation. I’ve learnt that people like Tim Bolen care little for things like truth and evidence and many even use lies as a means to justify the use of violence against critics, Tim Bolen is one of these people.

For clarity Tim Bolen is accusing skeptics of being ‘Stalkers’ and painting anti-vaxxers as ‘victims’. A common tactic of habitual bull-shitters is to try and demonise anyone who calls them out on their mistruths.

Does that mean that nothing can be done?  Nope.  That means that Dorey, and her associates, now have the advantage, and if played correctly, can pick up all of the marbles in this game.

How?  Easily.  For the laws in every jurisdiction basing its system on English Common Law (England, Australia, Canada, and the US, etc.), are pretty much the same.  They favor the stalking victim – BIG TIME.  More, they allow a response that would, in normal circumstances, be frowned upon.

In short, if played right, the stalking “victim” can lure the predator into a dark place, so to speak, where angry friends are waiting (quietly) to make the equivalent of a “citizen’s arrest.”  And, they are allowed to wait there quietly, armed with the equivalent of a baseball bat, or two, or three, to be used to “subdue, with reasonable force” the stalker, holding them for the local law enforcement. Now ask yourself “What exactly would YOU, as a reasonable person, define “subdue, with reasonable force?” considering, first, that this “stalker” has, already threatened “rape, mutilation, and death by fire?”

Of course, with the threat level what it is, in Australia (rape, mutilation, and death by fire), a prudent person would have one, or more, friends with Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, experience along so that if a weapon appeared in the hands of the stalker…  Use your imagination. Tim Bolen, Lunatic

You read that right? Tim Bolen is suggesting that it’s appropriate to lure skeptics into a “dark place” and then deal with them as you see fit. The so called ‘Citizens Arrest’ suggested by Bolen would constitute a criminal offense no matter what the target were accused of, not even the police are entitled to use what Bolen considers “Reasonable Force” that would be called either Murder or Grievous Bodily Harm.

So far the following Anti-vaxxer tactics have failed:

  • Lying to the media.
  • Lying to government regulators.
  • Lying to their members.
  • Lying to the public.
  • Lying to the Police.
  • Lying about their critics.
  • Lying about medicine.
  • Lying about their own agenda.
  • Lying about Pharmaceutical Companies.
  • Lying about non-existent conspiracies (Big-Pharma, Reptilians, Illiminati etc)

Perhaps frustration caused by their continual failure to stand up to scientific scrutiny is forcing them to turn to alternate means of silencing their critics. We know they can be quite creative for example reporting skeptic blogs as malware was certainly original.

Violence may very well be the next step. Anyone attending an anti-vaccination seminar should be aware of psychopaths like Tim Bolen who may be about. While the majority of anti-vaxxers are simply parents who’ve been lied to, some of them can be quite fanatical and there’s no knowing who might turn up. As bad as Tim Bolen’s suggestion is we should remember that it was distributed by the head of an Australian “Charity”.

Note: I refuse to provide any direct links to Mr Bolen’s website; using screenshots instead. Because he has previously posted a picture described as “a black man raping a dead white woman whose body has already been torn in half.” on his website.

Australian Vaccination Network trouble with financial reports.

The Australian Vaccination Network is an organisation that could arguably be called ‘Australias most dangerous charity’ and it has a lot of problems when it comes to submitting end of year financial reports. As highlighted by Ken McLeod in a recent report titled “Meryl Doreys Trouble with Finance” where he highlights several discrepancies in the Financial Reports submitted by the organisations Founder, President, Spokesperson and Treasurer all of whom happen to be Ms Dorey.

Since this organisation acts as a charity its financial activities are a matter of public interest. In his report Ken notes the following:

Since the AVN was formed in 1994:

Annual Financial Statements for the years 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000 were not submitted.

The Annual Financial Statement for the year 1995 was not submitted until July 1996.

Annual Financial Statements for the years 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2007 were not submitted until September 2008.

The Annual Financial Statement for the years 2005 and 2006 were not submitted until April 2008.

The Annual Financial Statement for the year 2009 was not submitted until August 2010.

Ken Mcleod

So why does the Australian Vaccination Network have such difficulty lodging its financial statements, are they trying to hide something?

I can now confirm that as of the 3rd October 2012, no financial statement for 2011 has been lodged.


I refer to your request for copies of documents in relation to the abovementioned organisation.   Any future requests must be submitted on the attached search request form for ease of processing.

A review of the public register indicates the availability of the documents specified below for the fees listed.

        Annual statement 2010 (19 pages) lodged 12/12/11        $37

         Extension of time to lodge 2011 (1 page) lodged 19/10/11           $19

No financial statement for 2011 or further extension of time has been lodged.

Should you have any queries, please contact the Registry on free call 1800 502 042.

-NSW Fair Trading

As an Australian taxpayer I find it unacceptable that a tax exempt organisation should be allowed to get away with not filing Financial Reports, or filing late and questionable reports. I encourage everyone to read Ken McLeod’s report “Meryl Doreys Trouble with Finance” as it provides a valuable insight into the financial activities of Australia’s most dangerous charity.

Relevant reading material;

Meryl Doreys Trouble with Finance by Ken McLeod

AVN Financial Statement 2009 and AVN Financial Statement 2010

AVN Correspondence with Fair Trading regarding their failure to submit financial reports, it should be noted that the AVN fought the freedom of information request for months to prevent this disclosure.

This disgrace of a “charity” needs to end and stop blaming its critics for failure to lodge the required paperwork; as seen in the Fair Trading correspondence.

The strange email.

Meryl Dorey has launched a fresh round of baseless accusations against her critics. A few days ago I received an email via from someone claiming to be anonymous. Offering to “fuckup those cunts cyber style” referring to the Australian Vaccination Network. Normally when I receive emails like this I decline the offer and delete the email. This time was no different.

—–Original Message—–
From: Dan Buzzard
Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2012 8:17 AM
To: ‘’
Subject: RE: meryl dorey


While I appreciate your desire to stop these low lives I could never support the actions you propose.

Shutting down the AVN requires us to keep our footing firmly planted on the moral high ground, so I must decline your offer to “fuckup those cunts cyber style”.

Have a nice day.


—–Original Message—–

From: []

Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2012 8:02 AM


Subject: meryl dorey

nice collection of docs. want me to fuckup those cunts cyber style?

they wont know what hit ’em. i can hack their website with sql injection too. plaster it with all sorts. they lose audiance who are offended by wat i post. its how we operate. i could also organize one of our many botnets to take em down with ddos.

just ask if you need help

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us.

I thought nothing more of the email until an hour later when I spotted a post on the AVN Facebook wall complaining about a threat they’d received from a user. I notice the signature is exactly the same as the email I received. So perhaps it came from the same person. So I made the email public as I don’t support such activities regardless of who they target.

Of course Meryl Dorey in her infinite wisdom has decided to blame me for it. This seems to be a hobby of hers.

Who is the real perpetrator?
Dan Buzzard, one of the SAVN members I am currently pursuing an AVO against because of his incitement to others to send violent pornographic images to me (do you see a pattern here?) and his constant threats and cyberbullying, has been very active on a forum frequented by those who say they are associated with the hacker group, Anonymous. Remember, the person who sent me these threats and who posted the pornography claims to be a member of Anonymous. Meryl Dorey

Actually I have never incited anyone to send pornography to Meryl or anyone else. Nor have I ever issued a threat of physical harm to anyone. Meryl’s issue with me revolves around several complaints that I’ve lodged with government departments. Of course that would make her look bad so she feels compelled to make up lies which sound better.

I’m not 100% sure what forum she’s talking about but it might be in which case her definition of “very active” would be 5 posts in 4 years. Not to mention the fact that it isn’t a hacker forum as she claims. In fact I am frequently opposed to Anonymous “Hackivists” as anyone who checks my older posts would find out. However not to be deterred by facts Meryl continues:

But back to Dan Buzzard. As I said, he was involved with inciting hatred against myself and the AVN on a forum comprised of known hackers. Is it any wonder then that about an hour before I received my email (quoted above), the same person wrote to Dan Buzzard (please see below)

Buzzard must have been pretty concerned about being contacted by this nut-job. This probably was not the outcome he expected because he posted the person’s letter (and his response to them) on his website and claimed that he felt it was his ethical duty to do so. Meryl Dorey

When some coward is using the internet to issue an anonymous death threat, disclosure of correspondence is the right step to take. Of course I’m not surprised that Meryl cannot recognise ethical behaviour right in front of her.

Buzzard expects me to believe that this person just selected his email address at random – that he stuck his cyber-finger into an online phone book and lo and behold, Buzzard’s name popped out. But I’m not that naive. Meryl Dorey

Well the email wasn’t specifically addressed to me and if you check the email address you’ll see it was sent to “headreptillian” an email address that currently appears on and is then redirected to me; I am certainly not known by that address. Whether the sender knew (or cared) who would receive the email is another thing. I don’t know how many other people received the same email but choose to remain silent, perhaps to avoid baseless accusations.

I think his posting this information had more to do with his fear of being implicated in this crime then it did with any ethics or caring about what happened to someone who he considers to be an ‘anti-vax liar’ as he so often likes to refer to me. But he IS implicated and so are his compatriots. Meryl Dorey

Actually if I were concerned I wouldn’t publish it. I find this all very suspicious as the email seems to be a little too convenient for Meryl and the AVN. Is it possible that someone from within the AVN sent the email as bait to see if I would write an incriminating reply? Clearly any such plan failed as it suggests actions that I frequently oppose. While I can’t prove the source of the anonymous email its nature and convenient timing makes me very suspicious of its origin and purpose. I personally suspect a False Flag operation, but unlike an anti-vaxxer I won’t assert mere suspician as fact without evidence.

The missing summons.

Yesterday the Police came to my door to deliver a summons for court in NSW. The summons, delivered on the 25th is for a court hearing on the 27th. That’s 48 hours in which to prepare a defence and travel to the other side of the country. Prior to this I had no idea what the grounds for the application were. Needless to say I won’t be in court for the mention, but I will certainly attend the later hearing which is when the real action takes place. I’ve already written to the court to notify them of my intent (even before getting the official summons).

Not only did the summons arrive late but it was also sent to the wrong address as I live nowhere near Attadale. You can’t just pick names out of the phone book and decide that’s where you want to send a summons. While anti-vaxxers aren’t known for their accuracy this type of failure suggests that there was never a “Private Investigator” involved, either that or Meryl went with the cheapest she could find. In either case an inaccuracy of more than 30 kilometers is hardly the work of professionals.

I wonder what the court would make of this 48 hour notification.

The two orders she’s seeking are. (my scanner broke)

1. The defendant must not approach or contact the protected persons by any means whatsoever except through the defendants legal representative.

2. The defendant must not mention the applicant in any online forum in any derogatory manner.

I’m guessing she had to choose #1 just to make the application look legitimate. Not an easy task considering we’ve never met in person, and to my knowledge only been in the same building once during a seminar in 2010. Or perhaps those 4 (polite) emails in 3 years really got to her.

However #2 is an option that she was able to write in, under “other”. No doubt she’s tired of the criticism on this blog. Perhaps if she would stop doing dishonest things then I might not have anything to criticise her for.