Author Archives: Dan Buzzard

Perth Skeptics reloaded.

Perth Skeptics is a meetup group that was founded in 2009 by Kylie Sturgess aka the “Token Skeptic” and although I have been a member of this group since 2009 and still attend some events it has been my policy since 2011 never to help or assist the Perth Skeptics in any official capacity due to a conflict with Kylie in 2011.

However things have now changed for the Perth Skeptics and the Token Skeptic is out. On the 23rd of September I was handed this leaked email by an anonymous source:

Your Organizer, Kylie Sturgess, sent the following message to some members of Perth Skeptics: Paul Wright was kind enough to let me know what was going on – I don’t hold any grudges, I just want to finish this and move on with my life. Sadly, today is the day that I discovered that people have an issue with my spending hundreds of dollars since 2006 to run a group, and not having the time to take part in certain (not all) events run. Often I just never hit “will be attending” on the Meetup page. My not taking part was due to podcasting, blogging and studying radio and design in order to promote skepticism, atheism and the like – but over the past year and a half, I was less keen to join in on Meetups after being stalked by a former member, who even impersonated me on Facebook and contacted members of my class using my name, at the start of last year. Without my knowledge, I was removed from the public Facebook page this week for the group, and accused of not being communicative, despite asking to discuss matters privately. The Meetup group for Perth Skeptics will close tomorrow, due to the actions of that one member who announced their dissatisfaction with the group. I wish everyone the best with their future endeavours. If anyone wants to take over the group, do so with my blessing. I’ll leave it for the end of tomorrow to remove myself from the group. The next payment for the Meetup is in November, if it is continued.

Nobody seems to know who her stalker is, but if she knows their identity (as she apparently does) then getting the police involved should be a trivial matter. Although I personally have doubts about this claim due to my past dealing with her. Whatever the truth to these claims it is Kylie’s choice if she wishes to withdraw from the group, she even offered to hand it over so the other organisers who have devoted considerable time over the past few years could continue running it. If only things were that simple.

On the 26th of September all members of Perth Skeptics received the following email:

Dear Perth Skeptics,

Well, it’s been an interesting five years running the Perth Skeptics Meetup group and now that time has come to a conclusive end!

This hasn’t been an easy decision to come to and I have relied on the advice of a few friends over the past few days who have suggested that this is the best course of action for everyone.

I’m shutting down and removing the Perth Skeptics Meetup from the Meetup site entirely, leaving it up to other groups to create their own new name for new groups, if they wish to.

A new group not called the Perth Skeptics will have several benefits: people can start afresh with new projects, new ideas and a brand new name, with their own impetus. -Kylie Sturgess, via email

Really, what ever happened to allowing the group to continue? This is the old “If I can’t have it, nobody can!” mentality which is to be expected from children not grown adults. Particularly laughable is Kylie’s insistence that the name Perth Skeptics no longer be used if she is not in change.

As one long term organiser pointed out.

I can only speculate from what I know of Kylie Sturgess and my own dealings with her that the deleting of the Perth Skeptics meetup group was done purely out of spite. 

5 years of history, 152 successful events and over 200 members simply deleted.

However contrary to what she may believe Kylie does not own Perth Skeptics, yes she may have started the meetup group and payed it’s registration fees but that a lone does not make it exclusively hers especially when so many people have all contributed over the years. So Perth Skeptics is simply going to continue without her. This unfortunately means recreating the page from scratch but that’s the best we can do at this stage. You can now find us at 

My policy not to promote or assist Perth Skeptics expires with Kylie’s departure. So I will be offering my assistance and advice on raising the groups profile in the near future. Which includes firmly cementing the groups identity as Perth Skeptics.

Meryl Dorey on attempted murder.

What lengths does someone have to goto in their attempts to inflict harm on others before the authorities get involved?

When it comes to the founder of the Australian Vaccination Network it would seem that nothing is off limits and any opportunity to cause harm is an opportunity worth taking. This is what happened on Facebook on 31st of August. 

A person by the name Jen DuVall posts:

What about grand mal seizures ?????? My husband has to take anti convulsants to save his life. I am sure there are natural alternatives but what for epilepsy ?
So we can infer from this statement that Ms DuVall’s husband needs convulsants in order to live. I don’t know exactly what they are, but life preserving medicine is pretty important; if you want the person to live. So Meryl Dorey, who has no medical qualifications or expertise decided give Ms DuVall some lethal medical advise.
Jen DuVall – there are natural alternatives for seizures. The ketogenic diet for one – cannabis oil for another. Consult with your health practitioner and if they don’t know anything about these options, find one who does. For EVERY drug-based therapy, there are natural, safe and effective alternatives.


Meryl Dorey’s unqualified medical advise to Jen DuVall is to replace her husbands life saving medicine with “Natural Alternatives”. The most obvious “Alternative” to life saving medicine is death; and that is exactly what Dorey wants.
Meryl Dorey wants this woman to kill her husband by replacing his medication with bullshit that doesn’t work. A few AVN critics have already reported on this, but the question needs to be asked: If this woman’s husband dies from shonky medical advise, will Meryl Dorey face crimminal prosecution for her involvement?

NSW Fair Trading gives green light to Anti-vaccination foe.

The New South Wales Department of Fair Trading has conceded defeat in its fight to have the Australian Vaccination Network change its name. Fair Trading initially ordered the AVN to adopt a new name back in 2012 and fought a year long court battle with the Anti-vaccination group to enforce the order. The court upheld the name change order in November 2013, therefore the AVN must legally change its name in order to comply with the Dept. of Fair Trading’s request. (Written Decision)

But nothing is ever that simple when it comes to a diehard anti-vaccination cult, while most people would simply comply with the court order the AVN decided to do what they do best and invent so lies to avoid having to comply with the law.

The AVN officially changed its incorporated name to Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network and then registered their old name “Australian Vaccination Network” as a business name in order to continue trading under their previous name (ASIC Search). On Facebook they still trade under their old name:

AVN still using the name they were ordered to change.

Concerned members of the public who notified Fair Trading months ago received correspondence that the name on Facebook would be changed.

So after a quick follow up about about the change that is now 4 months over due Fair Trading had this to say:

As you can see from the above screenshots not only did the AVN lie and now claim that they don’t own, control or manage their official Facebook page. But Fair Trading has accepted the lie and is now surrendering its attempts to fully enforce the name change order.

The Australian Vaccination Network uses its Facebook page as the primary outlet for deceiving the public. The original purpose of the name change order was for the AVN to adopt a less deceptive name so it can’t as easily pretend to be an official source for information. The decision by Fair Trading to back down and allow the AVN to keep using its old name on Facebook renders the name change moot.

See the student film than anti-vaxxers tried to suppress.

Anti-vaccination scumbags Activists are well known for using thuggery to silence people who speak about medical issues. Known tactics of the anti-vaccination movement include Harassment, Vilification, Death Threats, False DMCA takedown, Vexatious Lawsuits, Harassing their critics employers and/or clients and Denial of Service Attacks against their critics websites. Having been on the receiving end of these tactics myself nothing the Anti-vaxxers do comes as a surprise, but it’s still worth highlighting these abuses when they happen.

So when a group of highschool students in California decided to make a documentary on immunisation they inevitably found themselves on the receiving of a hate fuelled campaign by Anti-vaxxers.

They read studies. They talked to medical experts who praised vaccines. And they interviewed parents who distrusted vaccines, as well as a local osteopath who treats autistic children.

Some of the students initially believed vaccines and autism were linked, they said, but changed their minds as they researched.

A blogger who saw the article contended that the movie, still a work in progress, was sure to be “propaganda.” That led to a flurry of frightening phone calls and Internet comments directed at CHSTV, Posard said.

Posard said she hadn’t realized that vaccines were such a controversial subject. She and CHSTV teacher Douglas Green wanted to shut down production, she added. But the students, angered by what they saw as bullying, insisted on completing the film. LA Times

The film Invisible Threat is now available for public viewing here. Perhaps the attempt to bully these students into silence will result in an increased number of viewers.

Burzynski , charged by the Texas medical board.

Dr Stanislaw Burzynski is a scammer operating out of Texas, United States who sell bogus cancer cures to the desperate and vulnerable. I first found out about Burzynski when he used hired thugs to try and intimidate a 17 year old Skeptical blogger back in 2011. Rhys Morgan was contacted by a person called Marc Stephens;

A few weeks ago, Rhys received an email from a Marc Stephens who stated that his post and tweets were “in violation of several state and federal laws.” and that he “immediately cease and desist in your actions defaming and libeling my clients.”

The letter gave Rhys a bit of a lecture of US law on libel seemingly unaware that they were talking to a 16 year old school boy who was not resident in the United States. The letter ended with the threat, “ I suggest you remove ALL references about my client on the internet in its entirety, and any other defamatory statement about my client immediately, or I will file suit against you.”


Ever since this incident I have kept an eye out for this particular scammer so it is a great releif to finally see him charged by the medical authorities.

Fans of Houston doctor Stanislaw Burzynski love him for defying the medical establishment and offering alternative therapies to terminally ill patients.

The latest charges against Burzynski by the Texas Medical Board, which has tried and failed to take away his license for more than two decades, paint a very different picture.

Burzynski has long lured patients from around the world to his Texas clinic by promoting his unapproved drugs as safe, effective and available from nobody else. Yet Burzynski knew that most patients were ineligible for the experimental therapy, according to a 200-page complaint that describes problems with the care of 29 patients. USA Today

Burzynski has escaped justice for far too long. May we finally get rid of this repugnant fraud.

The official complaint can be downloaded here.

Dangerous health menace still finding footholds.

The Australian Vaccination Network is still weaseling its way into the public health system despite being the subject of a public health warning and numerous governement investigations. This time they have managed to be referenced in an information sheet for Expectant Mothers. The this rabid anti-vaccination organisation could then use their fear mongering tactics to frighten new mother out of vaccinating their children. 

Lucy Fisher, who is pregnant with her second child, told the Gold Coast Bulletin, was given a leaflet by midwives that listed the Australian Vaccination-Sceptics Network (AVN) as the only source of information on vaccines.
AVN has repeatedly fallen foul of NSW authorities, including Fair Trading, for its anti-vaccination stance and was forced to change its name to better reflect its views, as well as losing its charitable status.

Lucy Fisher, who is pregnant with her second child, told the Gold Coast Bulletin, was given a leaflet by midwives that listed the Australian Vaccination-Sceptics Network (AVN) as the only source of information on vaccines.

AVN has repeatedly fallen foul of NSW authorities, including Fair Trading, for its anti-vaccination stance and was forced to change its name to better reflect its views, as well as losing its charitable status. Business Insider

The AVN celebrated it’s deception on Facebook:

It’s unacceptable that any health provider could ever refer patients to a group that activley opposes medical care.

Healthy Lifestyle Expo admits to scamming the media.

Note: I had delayed posting this for legal reasons, so it’s old news now.

Last month Wayne Pina-Roozemond an organiser of the Healthy Lifestyle Expo went on national television and publicly accused his critics of sending death threats to the expo because it had chosen to host Meryl Dorey of the Australian Vaccination Network as one of its speakers.

However like all liars these people are easily caught and have publicly confess to having lied to the media.

Facebook maintains a history of everything you have ever typed into it. (Including text that you delete before hitting “Post”.)

Claiming that you’re being threatened is a common tactic employed by miscreants to garner media attention. I just wish the media would wake up to the fact that these people have an infinite capacity to lie.

Meryl Dorey and the festival of shams.

Meryl Dorey of the heavily discredited Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network will be speaking at the upcoming Healthy Lifestyle Expo in Queensland despite objections from local health authorities. Despite being fully aware that Ms Dorey will disseminate false and misleading medical advice, the event organiser is pushing ahead.

THE state’s top health experts have called for the Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network to be barred from disseminating information at the Healthy Lifestyle Expo, arguing their views were dangerous and inaccurate.

AMA Queensland president-elect Shaun Rudd said the group should not present information at the Healthy Lifestyle Expo, as their views were “far from healthy’’.

“Anti-vaccination has nothing to do with a healthy lifestyle,’’ Dr Rudd said. “It promotes the chance of kids getting a serious illness or death.’’

The state’s Chief Health Officer, Jeannette Young, said she supported moves to limit the ability of the group to communicate inaccurate information about immunisation.

Expo organiser Wayne Pina-Roozemond said while Ms Dorey’s views were possibly dangerous, he defended the group’s right to put their view at the expo. The Courier Mail, 13th May 2014

Meryl Dorey has put out a call for someone to debate her at the expo, her request was answered by Peter Bowditch.

The anti-vaxxers became ecstatic about the offer and before Peter even had time to repond to the offer in full Meryl Dorey went on the attack, because that’s how anti-vaxxers make friends. Ms Dorey was upset the Peter still hadn’t responded to his formal invitation from the expo organisers after a week, despite the fact that he was still well before the deadline for a required response.

She even paid Facebook to advertise a defamatory article she wrote about him.

Peter Bowditch did eventually decline to attend the debate which I think is a good move considering the amount of venom spitting from Dorey and her fellow anti-vaxxers. The Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network formerly known as the Australian Vaccination Network has a long history of harassing and threatening people who oppose their views.

Reasonable Hank has documented a few such incidents: Death threats and threats of harm incited by the Australian Vaccination Network

I have personally received an email from one of Meryl Doreys friends in the US. Which asked for the following:

Below are additional sets of questions I have about you, and your activities in the SAVN.

In addition to my first set, comprised of the following: 

(1)   “a current photo of yourself, your home address, your work address, your employer’s name, your immediate supervisor at work’s name,” I would like a photo of each of your vehicles, including the license plate numbers and a brief description of where you park them both at home and at work.

(2)   I want to know who paid your legal fees regarding the AVO.

(3)   I want to know where, and when, specifically, SAVN meetings are held, who usually attends them (specific names). 

(4)   I want to know who funds the SAVN.

(5)   I want to know how many members of the SAVN control group are male homosexual?  What are their average ages?  How many are AIDS infected?

(6)   I want to know about your general plan for the SAVN’s attack on Meryl Dorey and the AVN.  Are you planning more threats of death, violence, rape, mutilation?

(7)   What did you mean when you used the word “clients” in a recent message on the discussion group.

I’ll be back with more.

This email came from a man who has publicly advocated attacking Ms Doreys critics with baseball bats and assault rifles.

So given the current and past hostility aimed at critics I think its wise that Peter not walk into a venue full of Dorey supporters.

HCCC issues public warning against anti-vaccination group.

The New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission has issued the following warning against the countrys leading health menace.

The NSW Health Care Complaints Commission has completed an investigation into the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, Inc. (‘AVN’), formerly known as Australian Vaccination Network Inc and under section 94A(1) of the Health Care Complaints Act has decided to make the following public statement and warning. The Commission investigated whether information published and disseminated by AVN may be misleading or inaccurate.

AVN was established in 1994 in New South Wales by a group of people concerned about the lack of scientifically-based information cautioning against vaccination. AVN states on its website that the government and the medical community, in general, “exaggerate the safety and benefit profiles of vaccinations whilst downplaying their risks.” AVN states it was formed with the purpose of:

  • providing medically-referenced information on vaccine safety and effectiveness
  • lobbying to ensure that vaccinations are never made compulsory for Australian children
  • supporting those who have chosen not to vaccinate or to vaccinate selectively.

AVN disseminates information to the public via a variety of mediums. These include its website,, the magazine entitled ‘Living Wisdom’ (which ceased publication in January 2013), its Facebook page, Twitter account and YouTube. Meryl Dorey, the former President, has also held a number of radio interviews.

The Commission investigation focussed on information provided on AVN’s website and some information disseminated on AVN’s Facebook page.

Public warning
The Commission has established that AVN does not provide reliable information in relation to certain vaccines and vaccination more generally. The Commission considers that AVN’s dissemination of misleading, misrepresented and incorrect information about vaccination engenders fear and alarm and is likely to detrimentally affect the clinical management or care of its readers.

Given the issues identified with the information disseminated by AVN, the Commission urges general caution is exercised when using AVN’s website or Facebook page to research vaccination and to consult other reliable sources, including speaking to a medical practitioner, to make an informed decision.

The Commission has recommended that AVN amend its published information with regard to the above issues and the Commission will monitor the implementation of these recommendations.

Further information

Read the full public warning.
If you have any questions, please contact the Health Care Complaints Commission, on 9219 7444 or send an email

NSW HCCC, 30th April 2014

The AVN has responded with hostility accusing the Health Care Complaints Commission of corruption and incompetence by saying.

In a move that displays the worst of medical politics, the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) has once again issued a public warning against the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network, Inc. (AVN). This office and the way in which they have carried out their ‘investigation’ are an absolute disgrace. They have made themselves into a laughing stock. Far worse, they have clearly demonstrated that nobody can have faith in any statements made by this government body when they continue to rely upon verifiably incorrect and biased information.

Several years ago, the HCCC conducted a year-long ‘investigation’ into our citizen-run healthcare consumer watchdog group. They did this at the behest of the Australian Skeptics and their splinter group, Stop the AVN – organisations with close ties to pharmaceutical and mainstream medical interests. -Meryl Dorey, 1st May 2014

Contrary to Ms Doreys claims, Stop the AVN receives no funding from any government body or pharmaceutical company. It is a volunteer run group of concerned citizens dedicated to shutting down her organisation and protecting the public from the misinformation spread by the Australian Vaccination Skeptics Network.

During the course of the investigation the AVN attempted to identify the HCCCs experts. We don’t know why, but given the AVNs history of harassing and abusing anyone who blows the whistle on them we can probably guess their most likely motive.

The latest moves by Australian regulators should send a clear message to Ms Dorey and the AVN that you cannot simply lie, cheat and bully your way out of the law.

Meryl Dorey asks for photos of dead children.

Meryl Dorey of the Australian Vaccination Network has asked her followers to send photos of dead children to Chris Dore the editor of the Courier Mail.

The Editor of the Courier Mail newspaper is Chris Dore. His email address is I would like to ask if everyone who wrote to one of the health ministers last week due to the threats to our rights to claim the FTB also send your letters to Chris Dore. 


So please resend your letters to the address above. And if you have a healthy, unvaccinated child, include pictures of them. The same if you have a child who was injured or killed by vaccines. -Meryl Dorey, 13th April 2014

This is in response to the Courier Mail running a campaign called “Keep Our Kids Safe – Immunise” not only are anti-vaxxers opposed to life saving medicine, but anyone who doesn’t agree with them can expect to be bombarded with photos of dead children.

Update on Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 8:15PM

Meryl Dorey is now lying about having sent the email that I quoted in this article.

Here is why the Courier Mail contacted me tonight. Our old ‘friend’ Dun Vulture (again, not using real names because that could get me kicked off of Facebook) from Stop the AVN has been telling lies on his blog page. I know, I know – you are really surprised, aren’t you?

Below is an image of his post that was uploaded this afternoon. Obviously, he or another one of the septics sent this to the Editor of the Courier mail who decided that this was a really big story (as opposed to the stories of our children who have been so badly affected by vaccines…).

Now, all you have to do is read what I actually wrote in the post below – I will copy and paste it here – and you will see that Buzzar – I mean Vulture – kindly added the words “or killed’ to what I’d written. 

“So please resend your letters to the address above. And if you have a healthy, unvaccinated child, include pictures of them. The same if you have a child who was injured by vaccines. ”

But stop for a minute. What if I had asked people to send pictures of their babies who had been killed or injured by vaccines? How many pictures of Dana McCaffery, the child who was killed by whooping cough, do you see on newspapers today, 4 years after she died? But do you ever see pictures of Ashley Jade Epapera who died a year later from the flu vaccine? Or Ian who died a terrible, painful and protracted death from the Hep B vaccine he was given at birth? Or any of the other hundreds of children in Australia who have died as a result of vaccination?

If the editor was upset about getting pictures of babies who had died from vaccination, maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe it will prick his conscience (no pun intended) and maybe, just maybe, it will mean that he will stop ignoring our families?


-Meryl Dorey

So here are some screenshots from three seperate and trusted sources.




Now here is Dorey denying having sent the message.


I guess liars just gotta lie.