Category Archives: Anti-Vaccination Network

The anti-vaccination movement in Australia Is spearheaded by the Australian Vaccination(-sceptics) Network. An organisation that has repeatedly run afoul of government health authorities for its attempts to undermine public health.

The AVN and its members routinely engage in campaigns of harassment, stalking and abuse against parents, doctors, nurses, medical researchers and anyone else who speaks out in support of science based medicine.

I have been documenting their abhorrent campaign against public health since 2010 and all posts relating to Anti-vaccination are listed here under the category/topic “Anti-Vaccination Network”.

The Verdict is in on the AVN

The Australian Vaccination network will have it’s charity status revoked next Wednesday thanks to a decision from the NSW Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing to revoke the anti-vaccination networks charity status.

A CONTROVERSIAL NSW-based anti-vaccination group has been stripped of its charitable status after the state government found its appeals had not been conducted in good faith.

The Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) was ordered in July to publish a disclaimer on its website stating the group was anti-vaccination and its material shouldn’t be read as medical advice.

On Thursday, the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (OLGR) revoked the group’s charitable status on the grounds it had failed to publish the disclaimer as recommended by the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC). Herald Sun

Strike #1: The HCCC Ruling

Strike #2: This is it!

Strike #3: Will it be the Copyright Violations?

This is turning out to be a pretty shitty year for the AVN and I hope the worse is yet to come.

AVN still wants to fight with the experts

Everyone’s favorite joke the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) is hitting back against the New South Wales; Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) for issuing a public warning about the information that the AVN has been distributing. The public warning can be found here. The HCCC recommended that the AVN place disclaimers on their website to inform the public that they are an Anti-Vaccination Lobby Group.

Meryl Dorey, who runs the AVN and considers herself above jurisdiction of the authorities refused to comply with the recommendations of the HCCC which then issued the public warning resulting in a media storm around Meryl and the AVN. In a recent media release the AVN has stated.

The HCCC does not have the authority to recommend that the AVN put this or any other statement on its website. The AVN is not a health service provider in the usual sense: it does not provide clinical management or care for individual clients. Instead, the AVN is a non-government organisation providing a point of view on a matter of public debate.

The AVN may not provide clinical care to patients but it does take on the role of a public health educator and even holds lectures in public academic institutions such as the State Library. The AVN also claims to be a “Vaccine Safety Watchdog” and requests that members of the public report any adverse health problems to them.

The HCCC misunderstands the role of public debate on controversial issues affecting public health. In the vaccination controversy, different participants operate on the basis of different assumptions and values, for example about the importance of individual choice. The HCCC has adopted pro-vaccination assumptions and values. In other words, it has adopted a partisan position. That is not its role.

The HCCC is not a debate moderator. The purpose of their investigation was the asses and evaluate the accuracy of the information appearing on the AVN’s website. Science does not care for debate on matters of opinion science is all about verifying the evidence to confirm a hypothesis, personal opinion holds little value. Upon investigation the HCCC found that the AVN 

  • provides information that is solely anti-vaccination
  • contains information that is incorrect and misleading
  • quotes selectively from research to suggest that vaccination may be dangerous.

This is not opinion but is the result of thorough investigation into the accuracy information being distributed by the AVN.

By issuing a public warning about the AVN, the HCCC overstepped its mandate. By the logic of its stand, it might also investigate complaints against organisations presenting information and viewpoints about pesticides, climate change, nuclear power, stem cells, genetic engineering, nanotechnology and nuclear weapons, because, in each of these areas of debate, incorrect statements might pose a risk to public health and safety.

Not a single organisation presenting information on any of these topics is immune from scientific scrutiny. If any of them do provide misleading information in order to support a belief they are often exposed by regulatory authorities and the media. Perhaps the AVN have their head in the sand if they believe they are the only organisation to ever get busted spreading false information.

The complaints to the HCCC against the AVN are part of a systematic campaign to shut down the AVN and deny its ability to provide information about the disadvantages of vaccination. Those who have attacked the AVN have ridiculed and slandered AVN members, made false claims about their beliefs, made numerous complaints to a variety of official bodies, and made personal threats against individuals. The HCCC has allowed itself to be a tool of opponents of the AVN.

Yes, it’s true there is a campaign to shut the AVN down. Many people feel the social responsibility to speak out when they see anti-vaccination kooks spread misinformation and fear mongering in order to drive the rates of vaccination down. However no evidence can be found to support the AVN’s claim to have received death threats. Allot of people accused of threatening the AVN have asked for the evidence to be made public. So far the AVN has refused to provide supporting evidence for their accusations, this should not come as any surprise since the AVN seem to have a real problem with evidence.

AVN in the shit again!

Well it didn’t take long….

Now that the spotlight is shining upon the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) as a result of the recent Health Care Complaints Comission (HCCC): Ruling people are now starting to pay closer attention to this anti-vaccine organisation. Publicity is generally a good thing unless you are doing something dishonest in which case publicity can quickly become your downfall.  The AVN is learning this lesson the hard way from the HCCC Ruling to the even more recent NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (OLGR) investigation in which the OLGR has asked the AVN to justify it’s status as a charity.

THE Australian Vaccination Network Inc is being investigated after claims it engaged in unauthorised fundraising.

The Bangalow-based anti-vaccination group has three weeks to prove why its charity fundraising authority should not be revoked after an audit by the NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing (OLGR) found alleged breaches of legislation.

Possible breaches of the Charitable Trusts Act 1993 also have been referred to the Department of Justice and the Attorney-General. Northern Rivers News

It seems the AVN just cannot stay out of trouble because now they have been caught for commercial copyright infringement. Special thanks to @fuzztwin on twitter for being so quick to share the storey.

An anti-vaccination group is under fire for allegedly breaching copyright laws by selling newspaper and medical journal articles online without permission from the authors.

The Australian Vaccination Network, which was the subject of a public warning issued by the Health Care Complaints Commission last month, withdrew 11 information packs from its website yesterday after complaints from authors. Sydney Morning Herald

So that’s two government authorities and now Commercial Copyright Infringement. Looks like this is going to be a bad year for the Australian Vaccination Network. I believe their blatant copyright infringement will hit the hardest because it is not simply a mere violation but actually turning a profit by selling another persons work… that is a serious “don’t”.

I am sure somebody will go dirt digging to try and accuse me of being a hypocrite (my views on copyright) so I will clarify my position on copyright. I see no harm in the non-commercial infringement of copyright provided that attribution is applied where it is due and content is not deliberately taken out of it’s original context. However I do not agree with commercial infringement because there is no ethical justification for making a profit from someone else’s work without their permission. By all means information wants to be free and I believe it should be shared for the common good. Many authors and publishers allow such sharing, but no common good arises from commercial infringement. Particuarly when the infringer is a public health menace.

Meryl cries witch-hunt and trial by media

Meryl Dorey of the anti-vaccination group “The Australian Vaccination Network” has broken her silence with fresh accusations against not just Skeptics, The Government and Stop AVN but she now accuses the media of inventing lies about her organisation. It seems Meryl just wants to fight everybody lately.

Newspapers and radio stations have been reporting ridiculous lies stating that the AVN believes in reptilian aliens and mind-control chips. They got this misinformation from Mr Ken McLeod, an active member of a group that has set out to either shut our small, volunteer-run organisation down or shut us up in any way they can. That is their agenda. What is the media’s excuse? No Compulsory Vaccination

When you’ve been lying and bullshiting in public for as long as Meryl has the past is always going to catch up with you in one form or another. Especially when you earn yourself so much negative attention it always prompts people to look to the past. Meryl once posted the following message to a Yahoo group.

There will come a time – I pray to God that it will happen in my lifetime – when those who have pushed vaccines upon innocent, helpless babies – doctors, pharmaceutical companies, government officials – will be proven to have lied and cheated these instruments of death into our children’s bloodstream. When that occurs, the outcry will be heard around the world and there will not be enough hiding places on the globe for these murderers to hide or enough money to pay for compensation. Of course, it will be too late for the babies, like this poor child, to be saved. But we will be able to take satisfaction from the fact that never again will anyone have to be pushed to poison their child because for once and for all, it will be known as poison and we will all wonder how it was we fell for the vaccine lie for as long as we did. -Meryl Dorey, AVN Yahoo! Group, Tue 16 December 2008 9:08 pm Message #36449

Meryl really is that crazy and now the media are onto the trail and she is not happy. In her latest blog post Meryl also writes.

The AVN are vaccine whistleblowers and, like all organisations that are perceived to threaten an entrenched status quo, we are now being victimised by a group that openly states their object is to stop us in any way they can. Their tactics include death threats, threats of violence, calling our supporters to threaten them, filing complaints with every government body they can think of and generally inciting fear, hatred and violence towards us in the community – all with the support and cooperation of the government and the media. No Compulsory Vaccination

To start with none of these claims are true except filing complaints with the authorities. The group she claims are threatening her go by the name “Stop the AVN” and they are making a good collaborative effort to monitor Meryl Doreys claims and blow the whistle when necessary. Interestingly Meryl who calls herself and the AVN both a “vaccine whistle blower” and a “Public Health Watchdog” has a problem with whistle blowers and watch-dogs whenever they aren’t serving her agenda.

This is the typical “Special Pleading” fallacy that we have come to expect from Meryl Dorey and the AVN. She may wish to question the efficacy of vaccinations; we are here to question the accuracy of her information.

Meryl Dorey and the AVN in the spotlight.

The Australian Vaccination Network is receiving plenty of negative publicity ever since the Health Care Complaints Commission issued this public warning.

by the Health Care Complaints Commission under section 94A of the Health Care Complaints Act 1993

The Health Care Complaints Commission has investigated two complaints about the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN), a non-profit organisation registered in New South Wales that provides information about vaccination. The complaints alleged that the AVN provides incorrect and misleading information about vaccination. 

The Commission’s investigation of the complaints focussed on the material presented by the AVN on its website

The Commission’s investigation established that the AVN website:


  • provides information that is solely anti-vaccination
  • contains information that is incorrect and misleading
  • quotes selectively from research to suggest that vaccination may be dangerous.

On this basis, the Commission recommended to the AVN that it should include a statement in a prominent position on its website to the following effect:


  • The AVN’s purpose is to provide information against vaccination, in order to balance what it believes is the substantial amount of pro-vaccination information available elsewhere.
  • The information provided by the AVN should not be read as medical advice.
  • The decision about whether or not to vaccinate should be made in consultation with a health care provider.

The Commission recognises that it is important for there to be debate on the issue of vaccination. However, the AVN provides information that is inaccurate and misleading.

The AVN’s failure to include a notice on its website of the nature recommended by the Commission may result in members of the public making improperly informed decisions about whether or not to vaccinate, and therefore poses a risk to public health and safety.

Health Care Complains Commission; NSW

Since this warning was issued the news has been rapidly spreading across the main stream media. I looks like everyone wants a piece of the AVN. These are the known news articles so far.

Anti-vaccination website poses public health risk – New Scientist

Warning issued about AVN – Northern Rivers News

Warning order for anti-vaccine website – Sydney Morning Herald

Anti-vaccination campaigners slapped with safety warning – ABC News

Vaccination network to be audited – Northern Rivers News

Vaccine fear campaign investigated – Sydney Morning Herald

Anti-vaccination group declared unsafe –

AVN website to carry warning – Pharmacy News

Anti-vaccination group accused of harassing parents – ABC Lateline

Vaccination group needles opponents – ABC News

Vaccine campaign plea: parents who lost baby Dana stonewalled by government – Sydney Morning Herald

Still no warning on whooping cough – Sydney Morning Herald

Public warning against anti-vaccination website – Medical Observer

HCCC warns public on anti-vaccine group – IBTHealth

Steve Lieberman interviews Ken McLeod – 2UE


This list doesn’t even count the dozens of independent blogs covering this issue; they can be found here. Since the HCCC issued it’s warning it looks like the AVN’s reputation is sinking quickly. I look forward to seeing how much more negative publicity the AVN can generate for it’s self.

Meryl Dorey, AVN and Supporters show true colours.

Meryl Dorey and supporters of the Australian Vaccination Network are showing their true colours and it’s not a pretty sight. On the 1st of June this year I witnessed first hand the AVN poisoning the minds of concerned parents who came to the Perth AVN Seminar expecting to receive some useful information about vaccines. Unfortunately for them Meryl was only interested in pushing absurd paranoid conspiracies and making all sorts of false claims such as citing a lack of evidence for the effectiveness of vaccines. Of course anybody old enough to remember Polio or smart enough to conduct some research at the Library will discover that Meryl’s claims about vaccines are complete and utter crap.

I wrote about my expirience at the Perth Seminar here. Apparently my presence did not go unnoticed.

Buzzard, I was perfectly well aware of your presence and that of your 2 little friends as well.

The library excluded the television cameras – not us. They said that due to the threats they had received from people you associate with, no media were allowed at the seminar.

We welcomed cameras and welcomed your presence too. We hoped that if more people are able to access information from both sides of this issue, they would be better able to make an informed choice about vaccination for their children and for themselves.

Remember Buzzard-you Skeptics are the ones trying to deny others access to both sides of this debate-not the AVN.

Oh, also, we had to pay an extra $100 to the library for extra security due to the threat posed by the Skeptics. Maybe, since you Skeptics are responsible for that expense, you might have one less case of beer this week and instead, donate the funds to the AVN to make up for the extra expense you’ve caused us?

On second thought however, don’t bother. You’ve done our cause a great favour. Because of all the extra publicity due to your group’s ravings, instead of just talking to 100 people in some quiet little church hall, we spoke to twice that many in a gorgeous venue at the state library and have at least that many again who have already expressed interest in our next seminar in Perth so-well done and we’ll call it even.

I do want to ask you though, while we are on this subject, How does it feel to be associated with a group of bullies who force organisations like the State Library and the AVN to have to hire protection just to enable us to exercise our right to free speech? Does it feel good to belong to the thought Gestapo? To be associated with the anti-democracy SS?

Lastly,we have taped the entire seminar and will be publishing it free of charge on the Internet so watch this space. If your own recording was not of good quality, you are free to listen to ours.

Yours in health,

AVN Bog Comment

This is odd for the simple reason that there where only two Skeptics in the auditorium. Unless Meryl know something that I don’t which seems unlikely given the crap this woman comes up with. You will notice that she wastes not time in launching accusations, all of which are unfounded. An email was sent to the Library requesting comment on Meryl’s claims. If she is going to make such accusations towards us then of course we are going to follow up on those claims. However after some inquiry no evidence has been found to establish if any threat was even made let alone where it may have originated from.

Did a threat ever exist? If so did it originate from anyone with whom I associate? Did it originate from anyone who associates with the Australian Skeptics? In the absence of any evidence and the AVN’s unwillingness to cooperate in backing up their claim I have reached the conclusion that Meryl is once again inventing stories so she can play the sympathy card to her supporters.

Her post is titled “You can judge an organisation by their actions

But it’s not just her spitting venom; now her supporters are showing their true colours and it is not a pretty sight. On the AVN Facebook Page; Susan Jones writes: “They really are an anti choice hate group. A despicable bunch of thugs really.” and Joanna Jow Hellier write: “Skeptics that don’t believe in freedom of speech or freedom of choice – thats just not right.“. Joanna’s response could easily be misconstrue in a number of ways. So I won’t elaborate on it; but you should go and check out the page of comments yourself.

I highly recommend checking out the AVN’s Facebook Page because it will give you an incite into their members. I will allow you to draw your own conclusions but the group as a whole seems very anti-skeptic. Which is bizzarre coming from an organisation that goes on and on about “informed choice”. Another interesting quirk is the way the AVN claims to be open to debate, just try commenting on their Blog or Facebook Page

I will however agree with Meryl Dorey on one thing; you can judge an organisation by it’s actions. We skeptics do it all the time, much to the frustration of this anti-vax AVN.

Living Ignorance AVN Seminar

This is my account of the Australian Vaccination Networks seminar that was held at the State Library of Western Australia on the 1st of June 2010. Both myself and Kylie Sturgess who is more commonly known online as Podblack attended the lecture. We also had @LuminousMonkey and 3 others to help out with flyers, I apologise for my failure recall their names hopefully I can rectify that to give them acnowledgement.

I arrived at the Aroma Cafe situated in the foyer of the library a little later than intended but we still had plenty of time before the Seminar started, so it worked out ok. Before going in @Podblack checked the Names list outside the auditorium, my name was on the list as both our Tickets had been booked under my name. She didn’t notice any asterisk or marks near my name that might suggest the AVN could be onto us. In either case I would not expect much of a response if they did realise who we where except perhaps some closer monitoring. The truth has a tenancy to hurt the AVN so the last thing they really need are some Skeptics reporting back to other Skeptics. This is of course exactly what we were intending to do. I even publicly announced this intention a week before the seminar so it would not be at all surprising if the AVN were alert to our presence.

Going into the Auditorium was interesting as there were two security guards by the door in all black suits and wearing communication earpieces on the side of their heads. They resembled the stereo type Mafia/Gangster body guards. I don’t know if they were AVN security or Library security but either way I don’t think they where intended to present the Mafia image; I just watch to many movies.

I had my video camera with me but the AVN explicitly forbid cameras from being used in their seminar. Even channel 7 was denied access to film so I decided that the consequences of filming outweigh the benefit because not only would I be kicked out but it would also provide ammunition for the AVN to cry persecution by “the Skeptics” and could reflect badly on both myself and Podblack.

Dave the Happy Singer @happysinger added some speculation as to why this might be.

The first thing that happened as we got into the auditorium was the AVN distributing flyers in response to an article in ‘The West Australian’ newspaper. Unfortunatly I have not read that article yet but I will post the flyer that the AVN was handing out (you can click it on the right). If anyone has a copy of the newspaper article that the AVN is trying to refute I would really appreciate it.

During the entire seminar there was a distinct “Clickity, Click Click” sound coming from my left hand side as Podblack was attempting to transcribe and tweet the entire seminar. Using a computer she was able to take notes and tweet much faster than I ever could using a phone for twitter, Pen&Paper for notes. I only got a page of notes, she got at least 8 plus more numerous and detailed tweets.

At last the power began to fail on Podblack’s MacBook. No more “Clickety Click Click”, plus I would now have the monopoly on live tweeting. But alas she found a power outlet and the MacBook was destined to live on.

Throughout the seminar Meryl Dorey kept trying to draw a link between ‘Big Pharma’ and financial profit. The real agenda of this seminar was to propagate conspiracy theories against organisations who are in the progress of saving lives. There is nothing inherently evil about making a profit and if anyone disagrees with me I strongly suggest they move to a communist country. If you can save lives while making that profit then shouldn’t you be regarded as the exact opposite of evil; Not according to Meryl Dorey. Not only did she pick on Big-Pharma but she also tried launching absurd unfounded attacks against the health authorities by trying to tie them up in her wack-job conspiracies. Not a single representative of the WA Department of Health turned up, despite being invited by the AVN. Personally I suspect the reason that the seven empty seats set aside for them remained empty is because our Health Officials do not want to be seen endorsing the anti-vaccination movement, but of course to Meryl Dorey this is just evidence of a conspiracy between the Government and Big-Pharma; and she didn’t hesitate to point this out.

Near the end of the lecture Meryl Dorey announced that there were two people who she would like to acknowledge. Podblack who was busy Twittering stopped immediately, I was writing notes at the time and also stopped at this point. Was she about to out us as Skeptics? No, she wasn’t instead she was acknowledging two of her fellow anti-vaxers. However I have just noticed the following comment on the AVN Blog.

Dan – I really look forward to meeting you and the black cat on Tuesday – you are both such interesting characters.

How can you claim that “Freedom of Speech is the greatest freedom we have and it applies to all of us on equal terms.” as a way of justifying the fact that you and your henchmen consistently try to get our seminars cancelled using the argument that we don’t deserve freedom of speech?

I believe that you skeptics represent the epitome of hypocrisy and truly wonder what your real motivation is. I don’t view any of you are the caring, sharing types because a person who cares about other people would never treat anyone with the disrespect and disdain that I see you treating informed parents with. You should be ashamed of yourselves but I think that none of you has any shame or conscience. No Compulsory Vaccination

Perhaps we should have made ourselves known after all. Then again she had all her bullshit cannons loaded. Who knows what her response might have been. Because telling the truth is certainly not on Meryl Doreys agenda. Unfortunately the average person is poorly informed about vaccinations and might not see through Meryl Doreys bullshit.

AVN Seminar to go ahead.

Well it seems the Australian Vaccination Networks anti-vaccination seminar is set to go ahead in Perth. Despite many Skeptics contacting the Library to warn them of the dishonest information that the AVN wishes to push onto parents. The next step to combating the AVN is to contact the Libraries board of directors and notify them of the misinformation that the AVN is going to use it for.

However if all else fails the next step is to attend and report on the seminar, which is exactly what I intend to do on June 1st. I expect many of the attendees will be anti-vaxers but some will be genuinely looking for answers and if skeptics are on hand perhaps we can help to minimise the damage that is caused by the AVNs misinformation. At the very least attending the seminar will provide an insight into the way the AVN operates.

Subject: FW: Upcoming Seminar
From: “Margaret Allen”
Date: Mon, 24 May 2010 16:40:24 +0800

Dear Mr Buzzard,

The State Library of Western Australia provides facilities and services
to the community of Western Australia as a whole; inevitably from time
to time this may include interest groups with views that some may find

The State Library does not make any judgment about individuals, groups
or organizations, unless there is a clear breach of law, policies or
procedures, in which case we may act to exclude clients.

I acknowledge your opposition to the Australian Vaccination Network but
this does not provide grounds for the State Library to exclude this
group from using a public facility for lawful means.

Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention.

Margaret Allen
Chief Executive Officer and State Librarian
T: +61 8 94273328
F: +61 8 94273336

—–Original Message—–
From: Dan Buzzard []
Sent: Monday, 24 May 2010 16:03
To: Margaret Allen
Subject: Upcoming Seminar

Dear Margaret,

I have concerns regarding the upcoming seminar on vaccination that is
being presented by the Australian “Vaccination” Network, who despite
their name are in fact opposed to the use of vaccination. They also
engage in the spreading of misinformation in an attempt to stop parents
from having their children vaccinated. Information is always important
but when people such as Meryl Dorey and her organization set out to
spread misinformation lives are put at risk.

As a place of information and learning I believe the State Library
should make some serious reconsiderations about providing a venue for
The Australian Vaccination Network. As a Librarian you will of course
understand the importance of evaluating information from reliable
sources. I ask that the Library look into the claims being made by the
AVN and evaluate that information against credible academic journals
then I am sure you will see the AVN and dishonest information they wish
to spread.

Best Regards,
~Dan Buzzard


Anti-vaxers seek a new nest.

The #antivax group deceptively called “The Australian Vaccination Network” are coming to Perth and will be using the State Library of Western Australia to hold their seminar on Influenza Vaccination. Their last venue the Uniting Church in Australia decided that they wanted nothing to do with the AVN, after being informed of the organisation’s questionable ethics.

The Australian Vaccination Network despite it’s name is an anti-vaccine organisation, which is almost as ridiculous as an anti-seatbelt organisation. Except that this is no laughing matter; peoples lives are put in danger by the spread of this misinformation. As we have already seen.

This unethical health meanace should not be entitled to use a Government building, especially a library to spread their misleading information. Their aim is to scare parents into skipping vaccinations that could save their child’s life. With vaccines being one to the greatest medical advancements in history the AVN has no justifiable grounds for it’s scare campaign.

I encourage everybody who reads this to contact the Library and inform them about what the AVN is really all about. (Be polite)

State Library of Western Australia
25 Francis Street
Perth Cultural Centre
Perth WA 6000

Ph: 08 9427 3111

Also take a moment to read the letter to Australian parents that is attached to this post; written by Australian Skeptics Inc.

Attached: Immunisation get the Facts.