Meryl Dorey on attempted murder.

What lengths does someone have to goto in their attempts to inflict harm on others before the authorities get involved?

When it comes to the founder of the Australian Vaccination Network it would seem that nothing is off limits and any opportunity to cause harm is an opportunity worth taking. This is what happened on Facebook on 31st of August. 

A person by the name Jen DuVall posts:

What about grand mal seizures ?????? My husband has to take anti convulsants to save his life. I am sure there are natural alternatives but what for epilepsy ?
So we can infer from this statement that Ms DuVall’s husband needs convulsants in order to live. I don’t know exactly what they are, but life preserving medicine is pretty important; if you want the person to live. So Meryl Dorey, who has no medical qualifications or expertise decided give Ms DuVall some lethal medical advise.
Jen DuVall – there are natural alternatives for seizures. The ketogenic diet for one – cannabis oil for another. Consult with your health practitioner and if they don’t know anything about these options, find one who does. For EVERY drug-based therapy, there are natural, safe and effective alternatives.


Meryl Dorey’s unqualified medical advise to Jen DuVall is to replace her husbands life saving medicine with “Natural Alternatives”. The most obvious “Alternative” to life saving medicine is death; and that is exactly what Dorey wants.
Meryl Dorey wants this woman to kill her husband by replacing his medication with bullshit that doesn’t work. A few AVN critics have already reported on this, but the question needs to be asked: If this woman’s husband dies from shonky medical advise, will Meryl Dorey face crimminal prosecution for her involvement?

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